Mikkiz´s lost in M*A*S*H

Hawkeye:"I will not carry a gun, Frank. When I got thrown into this war I had a clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns. I'll carry your books, I'll carry a torch, I'll carry a tune, I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I'll even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!"

Min hjälte...

Hawkeye:"And we're thinkin' of going into practice together when we get home, right Trap?"
Trapper:"Yeah, we're going to open our own clinic, the three of us."
Frank:"That's right, the three of us war-buddies would run the place."
Hawkeye:"Frank would park the cars."

Så klockrena kommentarer att man viker sig dubbel...


"Do you know what this desk is made out of?"
Blake:"Nope! It's Oak!"

Typiskt Radar, att ta orden ur mun på Henry Blake.. men det är väl inte för inte som Walter O´Reilly kallas just för radar?

Henry:"Stop thinking for me Radar."
Radar:"Well, one of us has to."

Ytterligare ett exempel på lilla Radars klipskhet...

Henry:"All I know is what they taught me in command school: Rule number one is 'young men die', Rule number two is 'doctors can't change rule number one.'"

Henry Blake försöker få en ledsen Hawkeye att inte gråta i "Sometimes you hear the bullet"...Så rart, så rart...

[When the officers all think that a guy from 1. Corps is coming to take some of them to form a new MASH. He and BJ are arguing about who they'll take and who's the better surgeon: ]
Hawkeye:"Either way, they're going to seperate us. You're my best friend! I never got along this well with anyone, you moron!"
B.J.:"That goes double for you, stupid!"

Har inte sett detta avsnitt än, men längtar.. det lät ju bara för sött...


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